Congratulations on securing your place at one of the world’s top universities. We are thrilled to have you join our community. To help you transition smoothly, we have created resources just for you! Explore video testimonials from current students about their first-year experiences, discover what life is like in the halls of residence, get top tips for academic success, uncover hidden gems in London, and so much more!
Who are we?
We are a dedicated team of four Student Shapers: Dario, Livy, Fatima, and Ray. Under the guidance of Dr. Ste Cook and Amelia Barron, we have used our own experiences of transitioning from school to university to support you every step of the way. Having faced and overcome the challenges ourselves, we are committed to making your journey smoother and more enjoyable. Hence, we’ve created resources sharing our insights and offering the guidance you need to thrive at Imperial College London.